Principle Investigator
JongCheol Pyo, Ph.D

 2015.09~2020.08: Ph.D Environmental Science and Engieering at Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST)
 2009.03~2015.08: B.S. Chemical Engineering at Ulsan National Insitute of Science and Techology (UNIST)

Research Experience
 2022.09~Current: Assistant Professor at Environmental Engineering in Pusan National University (PNU)
 2021.02~2022.08: Senior Researcher at Center for Environmental Data Strategy in Korea Environment Institute (KEI) 
 2020.09~2021.02: Postdoctoral Fellow at Ulsan National Institute of Science and Techonology (UNIST)

Public Service
 2023.08~2025.07: 부산광역시 지역수자원관리위원회 위원
 2023.06~2023.12: 국립환경과학원 물환경연구분과위원회 위원
 2024.05~2025.12: 국립환경과학원 물환경연구분과위원회 위원 
 2024.09~2026.08: 낙동강유역환경청 환경영향평가 전문가 자문단 위원
Honers & Awards
​ Selection of top 10% student in Global Ph.D Fellowship, National Research Foundation of Korea, 2018
 Selection of Global Ph.D Fellowship, National Research Foundation of Korea, 2016-2020
 3rd prize at Graduate's Paper Competition organized by Ulsan Development Institute (UDI) in Ulsan, Korea, 2015
 Excellent poster presentation, interdisciplinary project, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, Korea, 2015
 Grand prize of Academy Water Prize, Ministry of Environment, Republic of Korea, 2014
M.S.-Ph.D Combined Cource
JunGi Moon

2012.03~2019.08: B.S. Geology at Pusan National University
Research Experience
 2019.01~2022.12: Researcher at Center for Environmental Data Strategy in Korea Environment Institute (KEI) 
Research Interests
Water quality (Algae, micropollutant), remote sensing, deep learning, Edge AI
M.S. Course
SangJin Jung

2019.03~2024.02: B.S. Environmental Engieering at Pusan National University

Research Interests
Water quality (Algae), remote sensing, deep learning
M.S. Course
SungMin Suh

2019.03~2024.02: B.S. Environmental Engineering at Pusan National University

Research Interests
Water quality (Fecal coliform), remote sensing, deep learning
Undergraduate Students
B.S. Course
JeongHwan Baek

Research Interests
Water quality (Sediment), deep learinng

B.S. Course
SeungHyun Lee

Research Interests
Water quality (Organic carbon), deep learinng
B.S. Course
ChanHe Ok

Research Interests
Water quality (Nutrients), deep learinng